massage, de-tox, digestive distress, gas bloating


Benefits of Massages

Improves digestive function

Healing effect on the skin

Reduces the appearance of cellulite

Helps with weight loss

Improves the function of circulatory system

Promotes the healing of bone fractures

Improves respiratory system

Helps to improve the clarity of our voice


Soft tissue manipulation is one of the oldest and most popular alternative treatment for chronic conditions such as back pain, muscular tension and stress. It has many physiological and psychological benefits. The variety of strokes and techniques will relax the central nervous system, lengthen the muscles, relieve tightness, spasms, pain and restrictions; increases range of motion, flexibility, posture and balance.

By stimulating the parasympathetic response, massage increases mental alertness and can also improve communication skills, academic performance and even social behavior in patients with ADHD and autism. 

Massage provides a wide range of other important health benefits not well known. By positively affecting various systems in the body, it can dramatically improve general health as well as the person's overall sense of well-being.


toxic chemical exposures, acne, drug detox programs


Improves digestive function

Massage relieves constipation and intestinal gas by stimulating peristalsis of the colon. It results in a state of relaxation which promotes healthy digestion. Stress can effect the digestive system when the stomach is unable to secrete enough gastric enzymes to properly break down the food. The absorption of nutrients will be compromised, and the undigested food will putrefies in the GI tract, releasing harmful gases and toxins.

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chronic fatigue, chronic body odor, headaches


Healing effect on the skin

Massaging the skin increases sebum secretion and brings extra blood flow to the surface, improving oxygenation, nutrient supply, skin tone and texture. It is highly therapeutic for dry skin conditions such as ichthyosis.   
Deeper massage is very helpful in breaking up scar tissue beneath the surface, and helps to reduce the formation of superficial keloids. 

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hypertension, fibromyalgia, spastic colon


Reduces the appearance of cellulite

As we gain weight the fat cells expand. Due to the lack of flexibility of the connective tissue, it causes uneven separation of the fat globules under the skin. Cellulite appears as a group of small dimples below the skin's surface, a.k.a. the orange peel look. Manual manipulation displace fat globules, flattens out the tissue and improves the shape and appearance of cellulite.

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yeast infections, allergies, muscle pain, joint pain, arthritis


Helps with weight los

Massage also stimulates metabolism, promotes healthy lymphatic circulation, reduces fluid retention, edema and consequently body weight. Decreasing stress level and depression also improves one's quality of life. Studies show that receiving massages on a regular basis will encourage a person to follow a healthier lifestyle. Individuals exercise more, increase water intake, stay away from comfort food, and avoid "emotional eating".

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skin disorders, eating disorders, candida


Improves the function of circulatory system

Massage increases blood circulation which promotes the efficient transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells, as well as rapid removal of metabolic waste. It dilates the blood vessels, thus lowers blood pressure. It increases the number of platelets, as well as red and white blood cells, therefore it strengthens the immune system and it is highly beneficial for anemia.

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de-tox, digestive distress, gas bloating


Promotes the healing of bone fractures 

The body forms a network of new blood vessels around the injured site. Increasing blood circulation in the area speeds up the deposit of new bone cells, thus promoting faster healing. 

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Improves respiratory system

Increased relaxation reduces the rate of respiration, decreases the sensation of dyspnea thus reduces the number of asthma attacks. 

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chronic breath odor, diverticulosis, fasting, practice, massage


Helps to improve the clarity of our voice  

Massage relaxes the muscles of the throat and helps to reduce laryngeal tension that may occur from singing or public speaking. Through relaxation it eases emotional expression and thus increases both focus and self-esteem for optimum performance. 


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